The projects of the Johan Wesemann Fund are partly financed by the travel organization The Long Trail, the parent company of Wesemann Travel. Part of their profit is made available to the foundation for the development of social projects. However, this is not enough to maintain all projects. Therefore, we are dependent on donations and gifts.
Via this website you can make a donation to the foundation. If you want to support a specific project, please mention it in the description and send us an email. Then we ensure that the money ends up in that project. If you do not have a preference in which project is supported, we will use the money where it is most needed.
If you make a donation, please also send us an email. We will then keep you informed of the progress of the projects.
Due to the corona crisis, all activities of The Long Trail have been temporarily discontinued which means that currently there are no funds coming in for the foundation. We are therefore urgently looking for extra donations and gifts.
Help us to keep the projects going! Donate here.